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    学院举办“Working Effectively with Legacy Code”学术报告会

    发布人:曲良波    时间:2019-03-22   点击:[]

    3月21日下午,信息与控制工程学院在我校嘉陵江路校区一楼东报告厅举行了“Working Effectively with Legacy Code(有效使用遗留代码)”学术报告会。本次报告会由加州理工学院David Janzen博士主讲。信息与控制工程学院教师代表、研究生和本科生200余人聆听了报告会,报告会由副院长聂廷远主持。

    报告会上,David Janzen博士首先阐述了遗留代码的概念,并表示跟遗留代码打交道会是比较困难的,尤其是如果代码是由某位不知道名字的程序员用一种不熟悉的语言编写的话,软件工程师需要能够理解、更改和添加长时间编写的遗留软件作为基础对软件进行小部分创新和改造。David Janzen博士结合迈克尔·费奇的观点为同学们介绍了改造创新的方法。同时,他和同学们现场讨论了改变软件的原因,并介绍一些改变现有软件安全方法的最佳实践。David Janzen博士的声情并茂的为大家讲述专业知识,配合着实例为同学们耐心解答疑惑,现场气氛活跃,互动热烈。与会师生纷纷表示,报告内容高屋建瓴、内涵丰富,观点新颖,并给后续学习研究指明了路径,令人受益匪浅。


    Dr. David Janzen简介

    Dr. David Janzen has taught at Cal Poly since 2006. For ten of those years he led the Software Engineering Capstone in which students have worked with companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Salesforce, Intuit, and many other smaller and non-profit organizations. Dr. Janzen created one of the first university Android mobile courses. He is a Faculty Fellow with the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and a technology consultant with the Small Business Development Center. He is also a co-founder of Steadfast Innovation, LLC that created Squid, a very successful hand-writing and note-taking app on Android. He received his PhD from the University of Kansas where his research focused on empirical studies of Test-Driven Development in agile software development methods. He worked at Sprint and taught at Bethel College prior to coming to Cal Poly.

